Tuesday, April 03, 2007

i carry your heart

It feels strange being almost done with law school. As fellow law students and former law students know, your first two years or so are pretty good at narrowing your vision. It's hard to see past the next semester's final exams, or the upcoming set of interviews, let alone think about being done altogether. And then, all of a sudden, it's the beginning of April and you have less than six weeks left of the bizarre experience that is law school.

I have two good friends planning to start law school in the Fall, and it's funny to see them at the beginning of the process. They're both very excited. I remember that. During your first month of law school, the excitement is gradually replaced with terror. And sleepiness. And lots and lots of coffee.

I'm not going to wax poetic here about the entire experience, the pros and cons and the things I learned. But, surprisingly, finishing law school isn't turning out to be the glorious relief that every 2L waits for. All of a sudden it's hitting me that most of my friends from law school are leaving, and not in the moving-to-dallas-and-i'll-visit-often way. They're going away to semi-distant lands. Taking bar exams in other states, even. A number of my closest non-law school friends might be leaving as well. I love living in Austin, and being here is right for Matt and me, but it sucks when you have to make a new group of friends every four years or so as old friends leave town. For me it seems to be the girls that always leave. And don't get me wrong - I love my male friends, and I feel extremely blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. But who will I call when Nordstrom's has a shoe sale? Or when I hear a great name for my future hypothetical offspring?

I know that even if everyone who might possibly leave Austin in the next six months ends up leaving, there'll still be new friends to make. And there will be vacations to visit each other, and weekends trips, conferences, and all the other opportunities for spending time with the people I care about. But my friends are precious to me. I don't think there's anyone in the world who has girlfriends and wonderful as I do, and it hurts my heart to anticipate the void that will be in my life when this group of them moves away.

This week my two best friends from high school and I have been emailing each other on and off. One is already far away and the other is one who'll be moving elsewhere in Texas very soon. When we graduated from high school, I never had any doubt that the three of us would stay in touch. And I feel the same way about my other close girlfriends. We'll stay close, we'll laugh across phone lines, and relationships will evolve. But right now the idea of it just feels a little lonely. The past three years have been full of surprises, but the most wonderful surprise was the friends who've been there for me throughout law school.

Recently I saw a sappy chick-flick type of movie, the kind that I normally avoid, and I got another surprise when I started crying at the end. The movie is about sisters, and it very effectively used one of my favorite E.E. Cummings poems to expain the relationship between the sisters. And I thought of my friends, and how much I love them. I carry their hearts with me (I carry them in my heart.)


Anonymous said...

Awww, DUDE, now you're going to make ME cry.

If it makes you feel better, I've been so homesick for Texas lately, I can almost see myself moving back. I KNOW. Stuart is beside himself.

Anonymous said...

rach, this is beautiful. it's funny because i'm a 2L and i've been thinking a lot of these thoughts lately... especially since my 3L friends are about to graduate and be gone. i'm already anticipating the nostalgia and loss when i graduate next year and everyone scatters away from new york--as they inevitably will.

as much as everyone likes to complain about law school, and as busy/stressed/tired as i have been, i do enjoy it and i have made some real friends... and i am going to miss it. funny how that happens, huh?

(and btw, you can always call me when you think of names for your future children).

Rachel G. said...

You girls are the best. I think you pretty much proved every single word I wrote.

I love you!

Anonymous said...

Raychul! I just realized that we have lived in the same city for all but 1.5 years since 8th grade! I think we've been together longer than any other friends I've ever had. I don't know if I would have been able to make the move to Austin back in undergrad if I didn't have the comfort of knowing you were there.

I'm excited about moving back to Houston. I'm excited to reunite with a wonderful group of non-lawyer girlfriends there. I'm excited that many of my law school friends are going to be in Houston, too. But all that excitement is tempered knowing that YOU won't be there.

No doubt, it's going to be weird.

Anonymous said...

Roush will be there, you can call him to go to nordstroms with you