Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Nerd Love

R: And he had a son remember? Alex?
M: Oh, yeah . . . . the kid with the terrible make-up job who didn't even look right.
R: Maybe that was on purpose. Alex was only 3/4 Klingon because Worf's baby-momma was half human.
M: I can't believe you know that.
R: You know what's really weird though? Worf was on Deep Space Nine later, and I don't remember him having Alex with him or ever mentioning Alex. Maybe he went back to Earth to continue being raised by Worf's human parents.
M: Excuse me?
R: Worf was partially raised on Earth. There was this whole big thing where people thought his dad was a traitor and he was like, expelled from Klingon society or something. Why are you laughing?
M: You were just making fun of someone for knowing the name of the Klingon weapon and now you're telling me Worf's life history!
R: Shut up!
M: You're such a nerd.
R: It was important to the show! Worf was raised by humans and then after his woman got killed his human parents raised Alex for awhile!
M: You don't know what you're talking about.
R: Why are you debating me on this? You're just trying to make me mad! Alex was raised on Earth!
M: That's only so Worf wouldn't eat him.
R: Oh, so Klingons eat their childen now!?
M: . . . If they misbehave.