Thursday, November 10, 2005

"Myyy Giiiirlfrieeeends"

The worst part of writing a two million page paper is the night before it's due. I'm not a procrastinator about this type of thing, so the night before is when I'm making miniscule, mind-numbingly boring changes that no one is going to notice. It's when I do things like get my footnotes together, and use the "Find" function to make sure that I haven't accidentally used the word "pubic" when I meant to type "public". For a paper on "pubic forms of religious expression" is definately not going to get me a good grade.

The night before is also when I find ANYTHING YOU CAN POSSIBLY IMAGINE to distract me from finishing up. It's like my mind goes "you did the hard part, now let's stay up all night procrastinating on the easy part! Paaaaaaarty!!".

I thought I might share some of the things a person can do to put off finishing a paper. Feel free to borrow these ideas if you have an important assignment of your own. Note that all of the following items have been, or will be, perpetrated by myself this very night.

1. Blog. Case in Point.
2. Watch reruns of "Girlfriends" on the WB.
3. Google people. Preferably ex-boyfriends and mean girls.
4. Download Harry Potter trailers.
5. Eat all of the fruit in the fridge.
6. Try to wake your husband up in the middle of the night to see if he'll help distract you. (You can interpret that in whatever way you like.)
7. When that doesn't work, talk to the cat.
8. Paint toenails.
9. Look at real estate in Las Vegas.
10. Send grumbly emails to people about why Nick had that stupid mustache on tonight's CSI.


Anonymous said...

OMG, I almost called you last night to rant about Nick's porn-stache but I thought you'd be working on your paper.

Also, that pubic idea is really good. Searching your paper for it, I mean.

Stephen A. Fuqua said...

Don't forget the power of Wikipedia to distract and amaze!