Thursday, September 22, 2005

Update/ Growing up Giani, Part II

Not being near the mandatory evacuation areas, my parents have decided to hunker down in Houston rather than fight twenty hours of traffic. Personally, I think this is stupid. What the heck are they going to do if they don't have power for two days? I called them to try and make my point, and this is the conversation we ended up having:

R: So you're just going to stay?
Dad: Well, you know, the hurricane has shifted and we're not anywhere near the evacuation areas, so we just figured this made more sense.
R: How does that make sense? You're just going to sit around in the dark?
Dad: It's not really the rain that concerns me so much as the wind. Hopefully the roof won't blow off or anything.
R: Did you at least get some supplies?
Dad: Look, we went to try and get some stuff but the stores were totally sold out of water and batteries and things . . . we did stop at Barnes & Nobles to get some books to read since we probably won't be able to go anywhere.
Dad: Honey?
R: You didn't get any emergency supplies, but you got books? Books to read in the dark??
Dad: Well, we have candles.
R: I give up. There's no talking sense into you people.

And people wonder why I am the way I am. Times like these make me very glad that my brother lives in Austin so that I can call him up and share each piece of new evidence that our family is crazy.

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