Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I hold these truths to be self-evident

It's common knowledge that your first year of law school kind of sucks. But you're always being assured that there's light at the end of the tunnel by people who say things like, "Don't worry - your second year is much easier." To those people I would like to say one thing: LIARS. YOU ARE A BUNCH OF LIARS. To all the 1L's of the world: there is no light at the end of the tunnel. And if you think you see one don't be fooled - it's actually the scorching, relentless 107 degree sun, which will see fit to come out every time you have to get suited up for an interview.

Okay. I'm done ranting. For now.

In other news, thanks to all the peeps who came out on Friday to hear Matt and I talk about the Baha'i perspective on marriage and relationships. You guys are awesome. Sorry if we inflicted any permanent harm.

Recently Matt and I have been cleaning out our closets and drawers (dresser drawers - not underwear). I think we've generally done a pretty good job of putting together the clothes that we don't wear, but we're a little stuck when it comes to comfy, sleep-worthy t-shirts. A long time ago we gave up on the "my t-shirt, your t-shirt" thing, and created a communal t-shirt drawer. Since then it's spilled over due to the massive number of t-shirts we own, and at this point half of Matt's underwear drawer is full of t-shirts (I wonder how many times I can mention underwear in this post?)

I've tried to give them away but Matt seems very attached. When I start going through the piles to try and weed out some give-aways Matt gets this really troubled look on his face. It's a look very similar to the one Neville gets when we take away his food dish so that it can be cleaned.

Matt has a lot of very cool t-shirts that he wears out of the house (Examples: a navy blue t-shirt with a transformer on it, a black one that says "Let me drop everything and work on your problem"). But his sleep t-shirts, which I have conveniently appropiated as my sleep t-shirts, paint quite a different picture. He's somehow amassed an incredible collection of what I call his "white people shirts". These shirts deal primarily with hunting and fishing, but they cover other topics as well. Some of my favorites include:

- A gray t-shirt called "my huntin' excuses", which has a cartoon picture of a hunter and then a bunch of different lame things you might say if that deer got away
- One that says "I fish, therefore I lie"
- Dr.Evil saying "why must I be surrounded by frickin' idiots?"
- 2 identical shirts that say "Juneau" and have a picture of Alaskan mountains
- 2 identical shirts that say "Galveston"
- 2 identical shirts that say "I'm a Mayflower descendent"

And my personal favorite:

- "Women want me, Bass fear me"

I find these shirts oddly fascinating. Who is this man I'm married to? Is he going to start dragging be out on a sailboat and making me put icky worms on a fishing pole? And where did he get all of these shirts?

A couple of them were gifts from various family members and friends so I can understand why he wants to keep them, but the situation is out of control. I have t-shirts coming out of my ears. Not to mention that we have all these shirts from Baha'i conferences which I feel guilty giving away, and the fact that law school organizations give away free t-shirts as if they're penny candy. And when did t-shirts get so long? You have to get the smallest size available so that people don't think you're wearing a dress.

I think we just need to make it a household policy that we can't accept anymore t-shirts. I know that sounds harsh, but there have to be people out there who need free t-shirts more than we do. And all those organizations that say "the cost is only $15 but it includes a t-shirt" - how about you just charge me five bucks and I'll wear one of the eight million t-shirts that I already have. Maybe I'll even wear one of the fishing shirts.


Anonymous said...

I've found that spreading the t-shirts out a bit helps. I have two in my locker, one or two in my car, etc. You never know when you might need a t-shirt. They come in handy when you (or a friend!) spill coffee down the front of the shirt you wore to school/the movies/shopping. An ugly t-shirt is better than a stained shirt any day.
Sincerely, Heloise

Rachel G. said...

That's a handy idea - I could certainly store some of the less . . .strange shirts in my car for an emergency coffee-spillage.

Do you know anything about getting mildew off of tiles?

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahaha! this is a fantabulous post rach. white people t-shirts... hahaha. :) greg has some fun t-shirts. he has one that says "i make stuff up" (which is true), and also one that says "i do all my own stunts."

but yeah, there are entirely too many t-shirts in my possession. i definitely feel ya on the ridiculous amount of "free" t-shirts dumped on us all the time, and i also feel guilty getting rid of bahai conference t-shirts. dang it.

meanwhile, thanks for the heads up about second year. guess i'll just plan on feeling like a 1L for the next 2 years. dang it.