Monday, August 01, 2005

Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair . . .

I have a confession. A shocking, sordid confession: I think I've been converted.

No, no! Not my religion, silly. And I'm still a woman, if that was your next question. I'm talking about California - I think I actually like this place. I was okay with Sacramento, with the burbs; they were pretty much just like places in Texas. But yesterday we drove through the hills and over many bridges into the bay area, and eventually parked the car along the water in San Francisco. Some parts of California may be ugly, but San Francisco if beautiful, and the cities around it are almost as beautiful. And the weather is perfect: I could spent every summer day in a comfy creation of sweater-over-tank-top that would take me from 75 degree midday to chilly evening. I could even get use to having loose, windswept curls. And I love the hills, overlooking the water, and the closeness of the homes that you can escape simply by driving a couple miles down to the piers. I love the idea of the openness that everyone says San Francisco is famous for - though we weren't really there long enough for me to find out if that reputation is deserved. I loved the hordes of international tourists that give the waterfront restaurants reason to print menus in at least five languages. I love knowing that, right around the corner from those tourist-oriented restaurants, there's some tiny, unadvertised bakery with the best food you've ever tasted.

And most of all, I love that San Francisco is a city. Austin is wonderful, but I think it'll always feel like a town to me. "City" has connotations with history, with dirty streets and downtown building facades that were built in the thirties. Austin is too new - in some respects - to give me that sense of being in a place that has deep roots. Even San Antonio, with its missions and its crumbling downtown blocks, feels like more of a real city than Austin.

I don't think I'll ever be able to live anywhere that's landlocked and dry. Being in a place with no water, even in Sacramento, makes me feel claustrophobic. Nothing is worse than being in a city that's flat, dry, and fully paved. I may not be the biggest fan of nature, but I don't think I could spent every day with so many layers between my feet and the earth that I forget the earth is even there.


Anonymous said...


Sounds like you're really enjoying California. I was actually stationed there for a summer (San Diego) a few years back. It was alright, save for the fact that it was sunny EVERY SINGLE DAY. Like women, i like my weather to have variety.

Speaking of women....

As for the husband vs. money thing, i simply laugh and add that to my list of reasons why i prefer being single--no such drama when your single--it's all about the Benjamins Baby!

Though, if my worst nightmare happens and i actually fall in love (goodness, that should be a four letter word....oh wait, it is :) then i too would value my wife over the money. What people tend not to see is that the purpose of money is to provide comfort, safety, and joy.

But, if your comfort, safety, and joy are already being provided by spouse, family, home, religion, etc., then making money isn't going to be a priority for you.

Nevertheless, those who sing the praises of money should not be criticized Mrs. Giani-Sherill, rather thay should be sympathized with. For those who praise money do so because that has become their means to safety and joy, it means that they are not blessed with the kind of family, the kind of marriage, that you enjoy--and THAT should envoke sympathy, not criticism.


Anonymous said...


I did not mean to say "Like women, i like my weather to have variety", rather i meant to say "Like MY women...."

Lord knows i have no idea how you females operate.


Anonymous said...

DON'T YOU FREAKING DARE. If you move to California, I am turning this friendship RIGHT AROUND and going home.

Pens! said...

I'll move to California if you do. We can stay with my parents, Adam and I can stay in my room and you and Matt can have the guest room. My parents are really good cooks and my brother and Matt can speak in computer language together. I'll be great.