Monday, July 25, 2005

Raychul don't know nothin' bout animals, Part 3

Adam: Last time he went on vacation all he told us about was how he saw Canadian geese.
Raychul: How do you know the geese were Canadian??
Adam: *totally deadpan* Well, we're from Canada, so we can tell.
Raychul: Huh? How!?
Brian: Canadian Geese are a species of geese - it's not like, geese that live in Canada.
Raychul: . . .Oh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahh oh MAN. we should go to the zoo together sometime, and make a (zoo-...zoo-...zoo-ist? zoo-dude? oh, zoo-ologist? are there three o's in that?) zoooooologist walk around with us but we could tape his mouth shut and he'd just have to LISTEN to our uninformed commentary about the animals. heh. i need more coffee.