Thursday, February 02, 2006

This should be called "Erin nails claw on the rocky beach" but no one would get it

I'm very lucky in that my two best friends from high school, Erin & Krissa, are both still in my life. The three of us have always been very different. Very Different. I think that makes for a great friendship. We were, however, united in out totally inappopriate love of a beautiful man named Gordon Sumner, who is more commonly known as Sting.

One time we were driving somewhere (probably to Cafe Artiste) when Fields of Gold came on the radio. We were singing along when someone asked what Sting says at the end of the line "We walked in fields of ---". Amazingly, none of us knew. We listed harder the next time Sting sang that line and still couldn't tell, so Krissa whipped out her Sting CD. (Okay, it might have been Erin. I don't remember who was driving, but we made Krissa drive a lot, so let's just say we were in her car.)

We put the song on repeat. "It sounds like whatever they walked in begins with the letter 'b' or the letter 'h'". I was given the task of leaning my ear to the speaker while we played it again, and I confirmed that the mystery word did indeed begin with one of those two letters. So we all started coming up with suggestions.

"Maybe it's 'we walked in field of holly'?" But that suggestion was quickly rejected when someone (probably Erin) logically pointed out that holly is very sharp and pokey and it would NOT be pleasant to frolic/get it on in a field of holly. It had to be some sort of plant, we thought, but city girls don't know much about plants.

Then someone - and I will keep this part anonymous to protect the guilty party - suggested that perhaps Sting was walking in fields of Bali. You know, like that country that exports all the gold. It sounded more reasonable than anything else.

Later I mentioned this puzzle and the amswer we'd come up with to my Mom, who doesn't even like Sting very much, and it was probably only about five seconds before she said, "Um, isn't he saying 'we walked in fields of BARLEY'?" Ohhhh. Like the wheat.

(I just googled "Bali" and learned that their primary export is textiles. Save that information for Jeopardy)


Anonymous said...

We ALSO don't need to bring up who didn't get the joke "Phil Accio" or even who, at the age of thirteen, briefly seriously considered that the white bumps on the roads were braille for blind drivers. RIGHT?

Anonymous said...

Nor need we mention who thought David Spade was the fourth Hansen brother. MmmBop!

Thanks for the nostalgia, Raych. Those were wonderful, fun times.

I think I still have a notebook in my closet at my parents' house. I think it's the one that had "signs your state is irrelevant," and the infamous "don't blame me, I voted for El Nino!"

Anonymous said...

Also, on the subject of misheard lines, the best one since "Fields of Gold" came from Elizabeth. We were driving in my car when Huey Lewis' "The Heart of Rock and Roll" came on the radio. You may remember, the song lists a bunch of cities, and the chorus goes "the heart of rock and roll is still beating." But as Liz and I were belting out the chorus, she said "the heart of rock and roll is Topeka." As in, Kansas. I had to pull over I was laughing so hard.

Rachel G. said...

omg I love Elizabeth. I would like to add that, up until this evening, I thought that "seahawk" was a slang term for a pirate.