Monday, October 10, 2005

Texans are crazy

Dear Sorority-Girl-in-the-Navy-Sweater,

I understand that you're a little chilly. I get that the blistering, lip-chapping 65 degree breeze is making life difficult for you. But I have to say - really, I have to to say - that there is really no reason for you to be wearing mittens. First of all, you're not six years old. Buy yourself some big people gloves. Second, there is simply no freakin reason for you to be so cold that you need mittens. I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you're wearing wool mittens because of some painful hand disfigurement. But, knowing Texans as I do, I find this highly unlikely. I think what probably happened was that you got out of bed and thought "Holy crap! It's like, totally cold outside! I'm SO going to freeze if I don't wear my mittens! Eeeeh!"

Glad I got that off my chest.



Anonymous said...

Did you hear about that independant real estate site. They bash all the real estate developers for building expensive homes and stuff....
Reno Real Estate For Sale

Hey I saw some land for sale!

Anonymous said...

Raychul, you get some of the awesomest spam comments of ever.

Anonymous said...

i have another proposal. perhaps she got out of bed and said, "omg! it's below 70 degrees now! i can totally take my cute new mittens out for a test drive. it's gonne be so great because they match my shoes!"

Pens! said...

Rachel, you have bots do you know that? It's a blog disease that you caught because you let people comment anonymously. I had them until someone told me what to do about them. You gotta change your settings to make it so someone has to type in one of those squiggly letter codes before they can post.

Anonymous said...

nikki, why are you making me work?