Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Things to do during Third Year of Law School:

1. Take a lot of classes without attendance requirements. Skip them all.

2. Show up in pajamas.

3. Sleep.

4. Throw water balloons off the breezeway onto the people in the Courtyard.

5. Pierce something really visible.

6. Give noogies to 1L's.

7. Pretend to be a recruiter from Wolfram & Hart. Hold interviews.

8. Crash every single catered party held at the law school.

9. Open interdimensional portal to alternative universe where "the Bar" is actually a game of Candy Land. With the cards for that freaky licorice guy taken out.

10. Have loud conversation near groups of 2L's where you say things like "man, is it good to finally get to relax."

11. Sleep some more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

damn 3L's.