Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Rowood v. Too Many Cars

I'd like to second Nikki's post about the hilarity that is watching depositions take place in our office. My favotire parts of the day were:

1. The fab white chocolate raspberry scones that Brian bought "for the guests" which Nikki and I shamelessly scarfed.

2. Watching Joe Corporate and his mentor at douchebags-r-us law firm enter the office wearing THE SAME OUTFIT AS IF THEY WERE THIRD GRADE GIRLS. Seriously guys - there is a world beyond pleated khakis.

3. Saying "where's Victor?" right as the elusive boy walked through the front door stating "I forgot to dress nice and had to go all the way home to change."

4. Having extremely animated, expletive-filled, but whispered conversations just outside the conference room.

Depositions make for an interesting, pastry-filled day.

In other news, Matt and I spent last weekend in Dallas for Lorraine's (sister-in-law) graduation. Everything was pretty jam-packed full of family time, but I did learn how to play a weird and neverending version of Rummy. And I came up with a really great daydream, where, when someone makes an unsolicited comment about my weight ("You're so skinny! You should eat more!"), I envision throwing a cream pie in their face and yelling "Why don't YOU eat more!".

Mmmm . . . cream pie . . .


Anonymous said...

I had my first deposition experience this week. It was pretty exciting. My favorite part was when the opposing counsels got snippy with each other in a really passive-aggressive way. "Objection to form." "Would you mind explaining your objection?" "With pleasure. Your question was poorly phrased, vague and irrelevant." OMG I love litigation.

PS Ran into mamma Giani at the neighborhood supermarket. It was nice to see her!

Anonymous said...

mmmm, white chocolate and rasberry scones. mmmm....

and douchebags-r-us... hahaha!

good post, rach. :)