Monday, July 16, 2007

Harry Potter Countdown: 5 days to go

Theory #1: Ron will die.

I know that would totally suck, but it kind of makes sense. JK is pretty good at foreshadowing, and I can't help but think about the first Harry-Voldie confrontation. The way it played out was that Ron sacrificed himself so that Harry could go on, and circumstances prevented Hermione from taking the final step with Harry. That exchange does seem to kind of define the relationship between them. So I wouldn't be surprised if Ron dies, Hermione for some reason can't go on, and - I think - Harry will have to do the final killing of Voldie without either of them.

Theory #2: Snape is somehow connected to Lily Potter.

This has been pretty played out on the net, but I think it makes sense. Dumbledore told Harry that after Snape realized the prophesy meant Voldie would go after the Potters, he tried to fix things and ended up betraying the Death Eaters. Why would Snape give a rat's ass if Lily and James got killed? We know he hated James. But the memory in the Penseive (the sort of put on aloofness between Lily and Snape) is good evidence that there's some connection. Are they related? Was Snape in love with Lily? Who knows. Also notice (if you're re-reading this week) that when Harry questioned D about Snape's allegiance, D seemed to be considering something before re-affirming that Snape is a good guy. Perhaps he was considering whether or not to let Harry in on his mother's connection with Snape

Theory #3: Hagrid will die.

I have no basis for this in anything. Just a gut feeling.

Theory #4: Fawkes will somehow help Harry on his journey/ Harry is the heir of Gryffindor.

I guess these are two separate issues but - hey! - it's my blog. The heir if Gryffindor idea is also tossed around the net a lot, and while it might seem too obvious it certainly would make sense.

Theory #5: Neville was present when Harry's parents were killed.

Here's the thing. We know Nev's parents were powerful, very strong wizards. This seems to lead to strong wizard children. Nev is extremely forgetful, and JK has casually thrown in the fact that an overly powerful memory charm can permanently damage a person's abilities, notably their memory. Note also that Nev can see thestrals, and when asked who he's seen die he very evasively answers that he's seen his grandfather die (or was it his uncle?). Even if Voldie, after hearing the beginning of the prohesy, felt it more likely that Harry was his nemesis, you'd think he would at least plan to kill both babies, just to be safe. Why not grab Neville and then head on over to the Potters? The only kink in this theory is that witnessing death as a baby doesn't seem to be "witnessing death" in the way that gives rise to thestral-seeing. Although JK herself has said that it's about when you see death and it "sinks in."

Theory #6: Each book has had Harry coming into contact with one of the six horcruxes.

There are six horcruxes for the first 6 books, and already we can pin down that in three of the six books, Harry comes into contact with a horcrux --
Book 1: ??
Book 2: the diary.
Book 3: ??
Book 4: Nagini
Book 5: the locket
Book 6: the ring
Book 7: The part that is Voldie?
So the guess is that the cup and the unknown something-of-Gryffindor-or-Ravenclaw are in Books 1 and 3.

More tomorrow - what are your theories?


Krissa said...

When does he come in contact with the locket in book #5?

Rachel G. said...

Well, this is all based on guesses. We're guessing that "R.A.B" is Regulus Black - Sirius's little brother. And in Book 5 when they're cleaning out Sirius's house and finding all the weird items, one is "a heavy locket that none of them could open." (p.116).

Anonymous said...

My personal theory is that she's going to kill Ginny, because that would make Harry's life hell and she likes to make him -- and the rest of us -- suffer. But I don't think she would kill both Ron and Ginny. One or the other.

Hagrid is also a good guess. I hadn't thought of that, but it makes sense also. He's a main character, but it would be less painful for him to die than, say, Ron.

Fawkes will deifnitely help Harry.

And Snape is definitely still on the side of good and is just undercover in the Death Eaters' camp. It's quite possible that he was in love with Harry's mom. Maybe that's why he's so hard on Harry -- it's his way of protecting him or something.

And Nagini as a horcrux is a damn good guess, Rach.

And finally, I'm with you on Regulus. I can't wait to meet him. Btw, any chance Sirius will come back in Book 7? Let's hope so, considering how pointless and dumb and anti-climactic his death in Book 5 was.

Rachel G. said...

Ginny is a good guess too! I wouldn't put it past JK, but it just seems kind of random. But I think we're all on the same page that at least one Weasley won't make it.

I wonder what wil happen with Percy?

You know, I hate to say this - I REALLY hate to say this - but the fight at the Ministry scene might have actually come across better in the movie than in the book. I know JK wasn't happy with a lot o Book 5, and I think the biggest problem with it is that the ending, supposedly-climactic scene drags on. It was much shorter in the movie, and pretty cool.

Sirius dying didn't really come together for me until the end of Book 6, where Harry is at Dumbledore's funeral and we get that great passage about how he realizes that one by one, Voldemort has taken away each person who's tried to protect him, and that he has to stand on his own. (I'm making it sound cheesy but it's a very moving passage).

srah said...

We don't know anything about the origins of the Quidditch cup, do we? Or the Sorting Hat for that matter! Argh! I am fascinated by this idea that Harry has already FOUND all of the Horcruxes without knowing what they are. I can't wait for the book!