Thursday, March 09, 2006

Is it just me, or are people getting dumber?

The news really outdid itself this week. First, Yanni is arrested for domestic abuse. Now, David Hasselhoff's wife is claiming he beats her. Is this some new trend? If you want to be a really lame musician you have to beat your wife? Should we send someone to monitor John Tesh?

And then there are the three dumbest people in Alabama, the half-wit firestarters. This one really baffles me. You think that it's reached the pinnacle of idiocy when you learn that these fucktards set FIVE churches on fire as some sort of prank. But then you get to the part where they set the other four in the next few weeks TO THROW POLICE OFF THEIR TRACKS. Has none of them ever seen an episode of CSI? More evidence = high likelihood of catching losers. Oh, and maybe they should have realized that IF THE POLICE AREN'T LOOKING FOR THEM BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO LEADS THEN STARTING MORE FIRES IS TRULY THE STUPIDEST PLAN EVER. EVER.

Obviously, I'm glad these assmonkeys have finally been caught. I'm just flabberghasted at the level of stupidity. And did I mention that Anna Nicole Smith just appeared before the United States Supreme Court (as a spectator, but still)? Oh yes, she did. Our Vickie Lynn is really coming up in the world (puns, many of them, intended).

And, of course, there's a lot of legitimate news going on, but a lot of it is dumb too. I'm too lazy to find this story again, but some sort of fatherhood group is trying to say that fathers shouldn't have to pay child support or something. I heard one of the guys talking on the news and he explained that this didn't hurt society at all because, if a woman got pregnant by someone who didn't want to pay anything, she could just put the kid up for adoption. OK, let me think this through . . . . you're against birth control . . . . you're against abortion . . . . you're against paying for children . . . . . and you want to put all of those kids up for adoption. Well, what a FANTASTIC solution!! I mean, since there are simply millions of people waiting to adopt children, that plan will work GREAT! And let's make sure to cut sex education out of schools and take away those evil condoms so that fourteen year olds are sinning as minimally as possible when they have sex, and then when they get pregnant they'll keep the babies, and their forty-year old uncles who actually fathered the babies when then sexually assaulted the girls won't want to pay, so we'll just put the inbred little bastards up for ADOPTION!! MY GOODNESS, THIS IS THE MOST WELL THOUGHT OUT PLAN EVER!! Oh, wait a second - NO IT'S NOT.

SOUTH DAKOTA, I AM TALKING TO YOU. I hope that the 44% of rape victims who are UNDER 18 find a way to kick your ass.

I think adoption is wonderful, but I have a problem with not providing any means at all for people - especially dumb teenagers - to avoid unplanned pregnancy (i.e. not educating them, refusing to give them condoms, etc) and then acting like adoption is some sort of magical catch-all that saves the rest of society's problems. The education thing especially bothers me. I've been amazed in my adult life to hear some of the things people think (examples: if you have sex while you're on your period it's impossible to get pregnant, the pill protects against STD's) about sexual health. But the majority of young people in America are never taught anything about the subject. I don't get the theory that education is dangerous. I mean, right now we're doing a crapass job by NOT teaching kids about sex and that doesn't seem to be working. Hey, maybe we should try educating them about the subject, and seeing if that helps them make informed decisions! Imagine.

We need to stop thinking of everything as sinful and evil. Maybe we should let God worry about judging other people and start actually trying to come up with solutions to our problems.

Too bad everyone is busy making elevator music and beating their spouses.


Anonymous said...

Did you know that you can rearrange the letters in "fucktard" to read "duck fart?"

Just thought you should know.

Also, I suspect (and have absolutely no evidence - ZONE 1 IF YOU WILL) that the Fathers' Rights groups are really just a front for the anti-choice movement, and that every step they take towards empowering men to make women's reproductive decisions for them is secretly a step towards instituting Paternal Consent laws that would require a woman to get permission from the sperm donor to have an abortion.


Anonymous said...

you know, the deadbeat dad's group's ideas are flawed in many, many ways... but there is great demand for healthy babies to adopt, and waiting lists that may not approach millions, but may be close... hopeful families can wait years & spend 10's of thousands... but, in fact, there's a special running right now on minority children, stats lifted from adoption website:

time frames
-Waiting periods will differ for each individual situation.

Generally, the average waiting period to be matched with a birth mother expecting a Caucasian child is 18-24 months, a bi-racial child is 6-8 months and an African American child is 3 months. Waiting periods will differ for each individual situation.

Rachel G. said...

I'm totally with you that having more children to be adopted isn't a bad thing (especially in light of the long wait that some people go through to get selected as adoptive parents) - I just worry that we're encouraging people to not care about children and just assume someone else will. My problem is not with adoption, it's with people who refuse to deal with other problems and use adoption as a way out. My problem isn't with the teenagers who get pregnant, it's with the parents who never teach their kids anything about sex because it makes them uncomfortable, it's with administators who try to teach children morals using fear rather than wisdom.

To me, adoption is the only bright light in a system that is otherwise completely flawed, so I definately don't mean to imply that having more children available to be adopted would be a bad thing. I just get upset with people who use adoption as a justification for views that - I think - are not good (i.e. the idea that abortion should be illegal even in cases where a woman becomes pregnant because she was the victim of rape or incest). Somehow to me, forcing a thirteen year old to keep and have her father's baby doesn't seem like a problem fixed just because she doesn't have to raise the baby. And I'm sure that in that situation there are people who would choose to raise the child anyway, but I just can't get behind taking away the choice. To say that a young woman who gets pregant against her will because of sexual assault has no choice whether or not to have that baby is - in my opinion - institutionalized voilence against women.

And we haven't even addressed a huge issue: children who end up in foster care. I'll reserve that for another time. All this ranting is making me thirsty. :)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know more about little inbred bastards' stats. Part of the major problem with adoption is the institutional insistance on same-race adoptions. I can easily believe that an African American couple looking to adopt an African American baby would only have to wait a few months. But if a white couple wants to adopt an African American baby, the wait is significantly longer, if not made impossible by adoption agencies disinclination to "mix" races. To me, the argument that it is in the best interest of the child to keep them in the system (read: foster care) until a family of the same race is available, is ludicrous.

And don't even get me started about adoption issues and single parents, and adoption issues and same-sex couples. There ARE lots of loving families out there patiently waiting to adopt, but our system is so messed up that it keeps all these kids, who just need loving homes, in the public system for completely asinine reasons. And if that's the way it's going to be, adoption isn't such a great "answer," in my opinion.