Sunday, February 05, 2006

I got your Final Fantasy right here

For the past six months I've been biting my tongue so that I don't write a long, rambly post about how much Matt & I hate Sony. I could go through and name all of the reasons that we feel this way but I'm sure you have better things to do. However, just now I was watching a program on PBS about video games, and this Smarmy Bastard Sony game developer was all "Sony is such a great company and here we all love video games and it isn't about the money like it is at Microsoft." Oh, really? Is that why you just hired a new CFO to reorganize the company? Because you love games so much? Silly me, I thought it was because Sony was a huge, sprawling corporation run by a bunch of rich people who want to make a lot of money.

Then Smarmy Bastard #2 was all "People love Sony, but everybody hates Microsoft. Sony is a great company to work for." Guess what asshat: LOTS of people don't like Sony. You know, like the people who got viruses bc your CD's were putting spyware on their computers. Or the people who refuse to buy Sony TV's since they're only compatible with other Sony products. Sure, lots of people hate Microsoft. But just as many people hate Sony. You are BOTH huge, sprawling corporations whose job is to make money. At least Microsoft is honest about. You should stop kidding yourself.

I hope that Bill Gates DOES have Halo 3 ready so that he can release it the same day that you start selling the PS3.


Anonymous said...

Easy tiger!

I'm sort of approaching this from the other side, having been a die-hard Sonyphile for years, but I think they're getting cocky. The PS3 just doesn't look like it's going to be as good as the Xbox 360.
That ain't good.

But come on. Vent. Why don't you like Sony?

Anonymous said...

i think matt has left too many old issues of WIRED laying around in the bathroom... get that man a subscription to PLAYBOY, so he can enjoy the articles, and you can let go of these corporate personalities that 99% of us don't know enough about to get worked up over... ;)
-hugh gates