Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Raychul likes to Overshare

As many of you know, I totally heart Oprah Winfrey. You can laugh at me and make sarcastic jokes if you want to, but she's an amazing person who not only overcame a lot of adversity to become hugely successful, she's also dedicated her life to making other people's lives better. All of you Oprah-haters can mosey along elsewhere.

Last Tuesday the Oprah show was about child predators/sex offenders, and she featured pictures about ten of the FBI's most wanted child predators. Within six days - six freaking days - tips from her viewers had led the FBI to catch two of the wanted guys, one of whom was in BELIZE. Did you know they got the Oprah show in Belize? Me neither!

Today they did a follow-up where they had on two of the women that tipped off the FBI. The upshot of all this is that I didn't even make it through the whole episode: by the time the tipsters got to meet the mother and grandmother of two of the boys that had been abused by the fugitive they helped capture, and all four women were hugging and crying, and Oprah started crying, and her whole audience of well-dressed women was crying, I was pretty much a bawling mess of basket-casey goodness, propped up by midol and lack of sleep, and I had to turn the show off and do something less emotionally exhausting. Like eat an entire bag of mini kitkats that were supposed to go in the Halloween candy pumpkin.

Why do I act like this? Am I genetically programmed this way because of my gender, or do I indulge my craziness because I think I can get away with it? WHY, OH WHY, DO I EAT BAGS OF CHOCOLATE THREE DAYS OUT OF THE MONTH, when the rest of the time I can barely eat a whole cookie?? Times like this I really miss Nas, because she would surely be able to answer me by saying something like "well, researchers at cambridge did a study on female hormones during menstruation and found that the ratio of sensitivity between your various taste zones actually changes when you're on your period, causing you to be more prone to want sweets." That's what I'm looking for: validation of my crazy ways.


Pens! said...

Okay fine Oprah's a hero, but why the hell is she on the cover of every one of her magazines? That's wierd.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate contains substances such as phenylethylamine, theobromine, anandamide and tryptophan. These substances trigger mood enhancing chemicals in the brain to create feelings of giddiness, attraction, euphoria and excitement.

Women's bodies scream for chocolate when premenstrual food cravings surface. Researchers argue that this craving is because chocolate contains high levels of magnesium. For you see that women's bodies experience magnesium deficiency prior to menstruation.


glad to drop by. :)

Rachel G. said...

i love you Nas.