Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Posting from Fed Courts, Part 1

Do you know what sucks? When you don't get enough sleep and then you have like seven straight hours of class.

Another thing that sucks is when you shove a peanut butter sandwich into your mouth like a ravenous wolf while you're waiting for the light to turn green, and then you look up and realize that a homeless person has been standing at your driver's side window and staring at you the whole time. It sucks even more when you find this situation kind of funny, in a "this is like a sitcom" way.

In other news, did you know that "parity" is a word? Parity = the opposite if disparity.


Anonymous said...

aw man, I was hoping I could be the one to share the medical definition...this nulliparous nurse will go back to reading now...

Anonymous said...

every football fan who reads this blog (untold millions) knows that parity is a word, 'cause it's all they've talked about since the salary cap and free agency made it harder to buy dynasties in the nfl...
-al micheals