Sunday, May 08, 2005

Raychul don't know nothin' 'bout animals, Part II

Jackalope: noun, a wonderful, fictitious animal first imagined by cowboys a long time ago. The cross of a jackrabbit and antelope.

Fictitious. Got it.


Pens! said...

That's weird because I thought it was a fictitious animal made up by people for a sketch on the show "America's Funniest People" hosted by Dave Coullier, aka Joey from Full House.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, i seem to recall a jackaloBe, and there was some book we read in the 5th grade about it... but it was really just a guy in a mask. right?

Anonymous said...

jackalope's share more than 99% of their DNA with what their seldom seen but often heard cousin, the barking spider... also, as it turns out, invented by cowboys, whose only "veggie" of choice was really a legume...
(as in you don't get invited to your mom's sister's wedding 'cause she didn't have one...)

Rachel G. said...

Gimingo? Barking Spider?? I REALLY don't know anything about animals/