Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Raychul don't know nothin' 'bout animals, Part 1

Once upon a time, on a beautiful spring day, somewhere between Austin and Houston . . .

R: Look! LOOK!! There are llamas in that field!
M: Um, those are emus.
R: No they're not - look!
M: Honey, those are emus. Emus, unlike llamas, walk on two legs.
R: No! Llamas walk on two. . . .oh . . . .nevermind.


Anonymous said...

Come on, it's not like we haven't all had moments like't we?

Pens! said...

Ironically, I spent a meaningful amount of time with a troupe of lamas this past weekend on the side of the road, somewhere between Austin and Wimberly. They were quite interested in my lovely dog. I documented this interaction extensively with my camera and would be happy to present you a slide show at your earliest convenience in order to educate you for future reference.