Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Me gusta las papas fritas

Things I like right now:

1. Joseph Glannon, professor extraordinaire and savoir of pitiful law students.
2. Blue cotton candy. Mmm. (Thanks to Alia for the inspiration.)
3. The trailer for Goblet of Fire OMG OMG!! *Shrieks like a fourteen-year-old.
4. Hilarious late-night commercials for Funk & Associates.
5. Dr. Sanjay Gupta. A doctor and a journalist! And soooo dreamy . . .
6. Men who don’t hit on me (obviously, this isn’t meant to include Matt.)
7. Homemade smoothies.
8. The creators of Oregon Trail. “You have died of dysentery”. Seriously, it’s just as fun now as when you were eleven.
9. The fact that by 3:00pm on Thursday I will officially be DONE WITH MY FIRST YEAR OF LAW SCHOOL.
10. The phrase “I got your due process right here . . .”
11. The question “May I have some carnal knowledge of you?”
12. The threat “If you don’t shut up my fist will make some minimum contacts with your face”.

Things I don’t like right now:

1. Humidity. Where am I, Galveston?
2. Auto-formatting on Word. I swear, if it indents one more paragraph . . .
3. Blue teeth from eating the cotton candy.
4. My overall ineptitude.
5. Torts.
6. Shorts.
7. Skorts.


Anonymous said...

as usual, rach, you rock my world.

i still have a deep love for oregon trail (snake bites are almost as fun as dysentery), i just can't get enough sanjay gupta when i'm at the doctor's office, and, of course, auto-formatting in word makes me wanna scream profanities in obscure, esoteric tribal languages (thus, venting my frustrations without offending anyone in my vicinity). also, i'm inept as well.

and congratulations on kicking 1L in the bootay. :)

Anonymous said...

a diminutive 1-L man makes minimal offensive contacts with the daisy-dukes of the section hotty on their way into their torts final... he possesses the requisite mens rea... does this make him:
a) a short feaser
b) a short short feaser
c) a short short-shorts feaser
d) a tort sleaser

i remain,
professor lowborne

Anonymous said...

My all-time favorite super-geeky law school double entendre...

I'd like to purposefully avail your stream of commerce.

Thought up when a particularly hot professor guest-lectured my crim class....

Anonymous said...

No, you're in Austin in May. That means its 15 degrees cooler than August and feels just as nasty. Or 40 degrees warmer than St. Paul (at least today). Skorts are ick. I can't understand not liking shorts though.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite lines this year came from my research professor when she called a researcher a "cunning linguist." Wow...she had no idea.